Apr 22, 2022 | Anxiety, Brokenness, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, God, God's Love, Hope, Joy, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Pregnant Over 40
Tomorrow marks one year—one year since I was readmitted to the hospital with postpartum preeclampsia. One year, since I left my big kids and my brand new baby at home with my husband, while a sweet friend drove me to my doctor’s appointment and then straight to the...
Apr 23, 2021 | Anxiety, Blog, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, God, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Pregnant Over 40
“Whenever I am afraid I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 A week ago yesterday I found myself in room 262 anxiously awaiting the birth of our new baby girl. Ironically, as of yesterday, I’ve found myself back in this same hospital room. Only this time it’s not for an...
Apr 14, 2021 | Blog, Encouragement, Gratitude, Life Lessons, Love, Marriage, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Pregnant Over 40, Simple Things, Thankfulness
Society tells us a lot about love. TV shows and movies often depict long, romantic getaways and extravagant gifts. Sometimes social media shows us all the smiles, candlelit dinners for two, and warm embraces. But here’s another example of love…one you probably...