God sees…
the tears falling silently into your pillow. He sees you sitting at the kitchen table alone. He sees you looking into a closet, once full, one side now empty. He sees the loneliness you try to hide. He sees the heartache of being by yourself when there’s always been a hand to hold.
God sees…
you struggle to make ends meet. He sees you work hard, all to no avail. He sees you ready to quit, to give up on your dreams. He sees your shoulders slumped down in despair.
God hears…
your heart. He hears your silent pleas for connection and friendship. He hears you singing lullabies in the middle of the night when you’re so weary. He hears you wondering if you’ve lost yourself as you start another load of laundry, wash another dish, referee another sibling squabble.
God hears…
you cry out for help. He hears your desperate plea for healing and wholeness. He hears you ask once more for the pain to go away. He hears the questions and the searching.
God knows…
your hurts and your brokenness. He knows your every thought and your every doubt. He knows you want to believe though sometimes you struggle with disbelief. He knows you want answers to questions like “Why?” and “Where are you God?”
God knows…
the weight of this world often pulls you down. He knows the darkness threatens to overwhelm you. He knows the loss, the sadness, the desperation you feel.
But friends…
God also sees…
the entire picture. He sees the road ahead extending into eternity. God sees your potential. He sees the way things will be; the way He’s working all things together for good.
God also hears…
every prayer you pray. And He responds with the still small voice whispering to you, “Come and cast all your cares on me, because I care for you.”
God also knows…
the number of hairs on your head. He knows your innermost thoughts. He knows when you go out and when you lie down. He knows your dreams, your longings. He knows your heart.
So if you feel unseen, unheard, or unknown today, please take heart because God sees, God hears, God knows, God cares and…
God also loves you unconditionally. And nothing can ever separate you from that love.