“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened…”


Come—those who fear they’ve wandered too far.

Come—those who are overwhelmed.

Come—those whose past is filled with brokenness.

Come—those who struggle with anxiety or depression.

Come—those who feel as if they don’t belong.

Come—those who have been hurt.

Come—those who doubt.

Come—those who are lonely.

Come—those who struggle.

Come—those who are weary.

Come…and I will give you rest.

God invites us to come to Him. Jesus WANTS us to come to Him. And our enemy does not want us to go to God, hence the lies that take up residence in our minds.

The lies that say you’re not good enough. The lies that say you’re too messed up. The lies that say you’re just too busy right now, too overwhelmed with life, to take time to pray or spend time with God. The lies that say God must be angry with you because you have questions and sometimes doubts. The lies that say God must be so tired of you never having your act together.


That’s all He says. He doesn’t say come to me if you’re perfect and in need of nothing. He doesn’t say come to me when you have your life together. God doesn’t say come to me when you have something to offer.

No. He says to come as you are.

So maybe tonight we do one simple thing: Put down our phones. Put away social media. Tuck in the kids. Put away the work—yes the work with the fast-approaching deadline. Put down the laundry—it will keep. Put it all away.

Close your eyes exhaling the stress, worry, and fear. And then come to Him. Just as you are. And I promise you, He will be waiting there with open arms.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29

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