Dec 21, 2022 | Christmas, Encouragement, Faith, Faithful Living, Freedom, God, Hope, Joy, Perfectionism
Hope. Joy. Peace. The world tells us these should be ours this Christmas season, but it also tells us the way to have them is through things. Through people. Through holiday parties. Through decorations and perfect gifts. Watch any commercial, glance through any...
Apr 22, 2022 | Anxiety, Brokenness, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, God, God's Love, Hope, Joy, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Pregnant Over 40
Tomorrow marks one year—one year since I was readmitted to the hospital with postpartum preeclampsia. One year, since I left my big kids and my brand new baby at home with my husband, while a sweet friend drove me to my doctor’s appointment and then straight to the...
Apr 22, 2022 | Childhood, Church, Easter, Faith, Faithful Living, God, God's Love, Gratitude, Hope, Joy, Kids, Light, Motherhood, Parenting
I took a shower with [fake] snakes more than once last week. He often comes to the front door with a lizard or two he’s just caught riding on his shoulder or on top of his head. One of his favorite things to play with is dirt—adding a bit of water only makes it...
Mar 24, 2022 | Childhood, Encouragement, Gratitude, Hope, Joy, Kids, Life Lessons, Motherhood, Parenting, Pregnancy, Purposeful Living, Simple Things, Take Time, Thankfulness, Time
I slept all night last night for the first time since our sweet baby girl was born. Actually, it was the first time in over a year because I was up and down a LOT during the final months of my pregnancy. And I dare not boast or say this too loudly because I know from...