God, tonight we pray for the mama whose baby is graduating. Maybe they’re graduating from Kindergarten. Maybe middle school or high school. Perhaps college.
Whatever the grade or level of accomplishment, this mama still can’t help but see the baby girl she just brought home from the hospital. She can’t help but see her sweet baby boy as he first learned to walk. And now he’s walking across the stage into the next season of life.
God, please hold this mom’s hand extra tight as she lets go of her child’s hand a little more each day. Please help her remember that as much as she loves her children, somehow you love them infinitely more and will walk with them when she cannot.
Please watch over our children, God, as they face new adventures and new challenges. Help it all work together to bring them closer to you.
We thank you for our babies and for the gift and privilege of loving them, walking with them, and watching them soar. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.