It’s Sunday. And Sunday mornings can be hard.
I won’t lie—rather than days of rest and worship, it often feels that Sundays are filled with labor and frustration instead as I “work” to get my family to church on time.
Some Sundays we arrive at a time when I can no longer determine if we’re really really late for Sunday School or just really early for church. Most Sunday mornings there are at least a few terse words spoken as we search for the missing shoe or the missing socks or the missing earring. Why do approximately zero things have a match on Sundays?
As I rush to get out of the door on time, a hasty glance through the diaper bag reveals there are in fact zero diapers in the bag; rather, it’s filled with a few stale crackers from last week, remnants of used-up sticker sheets and drawings on church worship guides.
No matter how hard I try to prepare ahead of time, the truth of the matter is that I often feel like a failure on Sunday mornings.
But I was reminded of something this morning as I was reading an excerpt from Every Moment Holy during my prayer time. God sees my effort. He sees my labor. These frustrating, seemingly mundane things we do as parents that will never be noticed by another human being are noticed by God. These moments matter because teaching our children about Him matters for eternity.
So I know it can feel hard on Sundays. But, friend, these hard moments are not wasted. Keep trying. Keep making the effort trusting that what you’re doing—yes, even the packing of the diaper bag, the ironing of the dress, the mediating sibling squabbles—it matters.
In serving your family, you’re doing hard but holy work. Let’s not get so frustrated by the hard that we miss the holy.