
Prayer For An Anxious Heart
God, tonight we ask that you help us to lay down the things we can’t control…to hand them over to you.
We want so badly to fix things. We want so desperately to control the outcomes, to right all wrongs, to determine the next best steps. We want to put back together that situation that’s so broken. But sometimes we can’t. No matter how badly we want to, there are so many things we simply can’t fix…can’t control. And it’s hard.
So Father, tonight we remember who is ultimately in control, and that’s you. You are sovereign. You are able. You are all-knowing and all-wise, and where we come up short, you never do. Tonight we hand over all the things on our minds, all the things worrying and wearying our hearts. We open our tight-fisted grip willingly, trusting you with our worries and trusting you to walk with us, guide us, and help us each day no matter what comes our way.
Thank you that we can let go of all the things we can’t control and grab hold of you instead.
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
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Prayer for A Mama’s Heart
God, tonight we pray for the mama whose baby is graduating. Maybe they’re graduating from Kindergarten. Maybe middle school or high school. Perhaps college.
Whatever the grade or level of accomplishment, this mama still can’t help but see the baby girl she just brought home from the hospital. She can’t help but see her sweet baby boy as he first learned to walk. And now he’s walking across the stage into the next season of life.
God, please hold this mom’s hand extra tight as she lets go of her child’s hand a little more each day. Please help her remember that as much as she loves her children, somehow you love them infinitely more and will walk with them when she cannot.
Please watch over our children, God, as they face new adventures and new challenges. Help it all work together to bring them closer to you.
We thank you for our babies and for the gift and privilege of loving them, walking with them, and watching them soar. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
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Prayer For An Anxious Heart
God, tonight we pray for those who are struggling with their health. For those who haven’t felt well in some time, for those who are waiting on test results or treatment plans, for those who are battling something serious, and everyone in between, we lift each person to you.
It can be hard during the Christmas season to see so much merriment when your heart is filled with worry or fear. It can be hard to feel the joy and peace we sing about in Christmas carols when you or a loved one is sick. So for each person struggling, we ask for your healing hand to be upon them. We ask that your presence feel so near to them. We ask that you guide the doctors and nurses who will care for them. And as you promised in Psalm 16, we ask that the fullness of your joy will be ours when we draw near to your presence.
Help us remember that true joy, peace, and hope can only be found in you, and it’s to you we come this night.
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
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Prayer for A Thankful Heart
God, we thank you that your mercies are new every morning.
We praise you that you are the author of life and the giver of each new day.
We thank you that no matter the challenges we face today, we face them knowing you are present and able. We face nothing alone.
Today we ask that you help us rely on your strength rather than muscle our way through the day in ours.
We ask you to help us rest in your peace rather than churn in our own anxiety and fear.
We ask that your love will surround us, your hope will fill us, and that your love and hope will overflow through us impacting others around us.
We ask this is the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Prayer for An Overwhelmed Heart
God, tonight we pray for the one who feels so overwhelmed by life right now. It seems that no matter how hard she tries she can’t seem to get ahead. It feels that when she’s doing one thing she needs to hurry because there’s something else of equal or greater importance she also needs to do.
It’s exhausting, God, and sometimes we just want to quit. To quit trying so hard only to feel like a failure. To quit doing all you can do only to feel as though there is so much more that needs to be done.
So God, tonight we ask that you please remind each of us that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Help us remember that life is not some emergency to be rushed through, rather it’s a gift to be lived fully. And please remind us that you will always help us, strengthen us, and enable us to do the things that you have called us to do.
We love you and we thank you for loving us and walking with us through the ups and downs of life. Thank you that you understand our hearts and care about our burdens. We hand each of them over to you now.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
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Prayer For A Grieving Heart
God, tonight we pray for the one who is hurting this holiday season. While it may seem that everyone is joyful and excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are many who are not.
Maybe their family situation has changed because of divorce, loss, an illness, a long-distance move, a difficult family situation, or numerous other reasons. There may be an empty seat at their table. Or perhaps they find themselves sitting at a completely different table. Whatever the reason, they hurt.
So, Father, we lift these to you knowing that you know every situation and care deeply for every broken heart. We know from your Word that you are “… close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit.” Please remind each hurting heart of this truth tonight. Please help them to feel your presence so near and to be reminded that you are still at work in their lives.
Thank you that you love us so much. Thank you for your faithfulness. And thank you that because of Jesus we always have hope. And it’s in His name that we pray. Amen.
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Prayer for A Lonely Heart
God, tonight I pray for each person reading this. I ask that they will know you see them. I ask that they will know you hear them. I ask that they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt you are present with them.
Father, let the doubts slip away. Let the uncertainty fade.
Deep in their hearts, in their very soul, please let them feel you so near, reminding them how much they are loved, reminding them how much you care.
Your Word says, “I have called you by name. You are mine.” You know our name, Father. You know our struggles. You know our deepest hurts and heartaches. And still, you call us…yours. We are loved. We are yours. Thank you, God.
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