God, at times our hearts are heavy.
We are burdened by the heartache we see in this world, and by the heartache we feel in our lives personally. We hurt for our loved ones who are suffering in some way. We ache for our friends who are going through such difficulties. God, we just long for peace and wholeness.
But God despite our circumstances, we are reminded that you love us, and you are with us. Please let us feel you near tonight. Your word promises us that you hear every prayer. So, God, we thank you for hearing this one.
God, no matter what we face you are our Rock, our Sustainer, our Comforter. In the midst of uncertainty, we know you say “Fear not.” And God, more than anything, we thank you that you know our name. You know our circumstances, our hurts, and our worries. You know. You care. And you love us.
Thank you, God, that we can rest in your love today and every day. Thank you for working in and through all things to bring about good. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.