A letter from my heart to yours on this Christmas Eve.

I don’t know where you find yourself today.

Maybe this is the year you celebrate new life. There are tiny boxes full of tiny onesies underneath the tree, and though you’re sleep deprived, your heart is as full as it’s ever been.

Perhaps this year you grieve the loss of your loved one. The sorrow settles in your heart as a chair sits empty at the table, and the conversations feel hollow without the sound of that familiar laughter.

The gifts may be bountiful this year, spilling out from beneath the tree. Or the smallest of “Charlie Brown” trees may grace your table with no presents underneath.


Wherever you find yourself, remember that the God who made a way some two thousand years ago in the form of an infant is still at work today. God showed us with a newborn baby, and a young unmarried couple, that struggle and brokenness can indeed become beautiful. God showed us that ordinary and meager are truly enough.

And not simply enough, but more than enough.





And friends this same God loves you. And this same God is with you.

Immanuel means “God with us.” And Immanuel is indeed enough.

On this Eve of Christmas Day
allow the rush to drift away.
The gifts are there beneath the tree;
there’s enough for you and me.

On this Eve of Christmas Day
allow the worry to float away.
The tree is decked, the halls are too;
enough beauty is here for me and you.

On this Eve of Christmas day
allow the struggle to fall away.
The ones we love and hold so dear
are traveling now; they’ll soon be here.

On this Eve of Christmas day
allow the sorrow to drift away.
The pain is real and raw and new,
but God is here with me and you.

On this Eve of Christmas Day
allow the hurts to go away.
Forgiveness breaks the strongest chain,
and joy and peace can fully reign.

On this Eve of Christmas Day
allow only love to come your way.
Immanuel is God with us.
And in that friends, we can place our trust.

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

(For more stories on faith and motherhood, I’d love to have you join me on Facebook at No Mamas Perfect.)

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