Blog Posts
Please Don’t Let Me Miss It
God, please don’t let me miss it… Please don’t let me miss the beauty of creation because I’m always looking down when I should be looking up. Please don’t let me miss the beauty of friendship because I’m too busy to connect or too worried about a messy house. Please...
How Old Am I?
I reclined on the narrow hospital-style bed, there in the doctor’s office, while the monitors attached around my ever-growing middle...
Seasons Change
My view is different these days. At least a couple of times per week, I’ll be here strapped to this monitor while it counts our baby’s...
God Uses Each of Us…If We Allow Him
I cried yesterday. Sometimes it’s lonely living away from family. You get used to it over time, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still...
When God Gave Me You
By: Ginger Hughes When God gave me you… He knew my heart would swell to overflowing. He knew I’d love you from the sight of those first...
Love, Life, and Coffee Mugs
At times we get on each other’s nerves. We love each other, don’t get me wrong. We’re a good team, best friends even. We agree...
When Time Stands Still
You didn’t know I held you in the night. You woke up to go potty and called for me. You were so sleepy that once you finished I picked...
It’s A Special Day
“Sure we can do that…after all, it’s a special day.” I glanced to my right via an eye-roll, a grin tugging the corners of my mouth. She...
Dear Son,
Dear Son, I watch you play, your spirit a mixture of tough little boy, twinkle-in-the-eye mischief, and a heart so big I’m not sure how it...
Saturated With Summer; Ready For A Change
Is anyone else ready to jump off this sweet Summer time bandwagon and move on towards Fall? Maybe it’s just me, but I’m tired. Tired of...